Group of dragons

Pet Doctrines

Many groups seem to offer doctrines based upon the Bible. We will call them “Pet Doctrines” for the following series of Bible Studies. The little pets of “DOGma” have infected the Body of Christ with spiritual mange. These persistent, floundering flees seem to bite and irritate the souls of many believers. Many who adhere to them seem to come down with a rabid case of rabies, ever ready to snap and snarl at those who do not abide by the demonic deceptions. Have no fear, there are no pet doctrines allowed here.

Pig on a table Pet Doctrines

Today, we will be tackling “Unclean Meat, Cannibalism, & Meat Sacrificed To Idols”. We will not be putting people down for health choices and personal covenants made with God. With Part 1, we will be focusing on “Clean VS Unclean Meats.” Knowing kosher and un-kosher, or meats you are allowed to eat versus meats you are not allowed to eat. So, let us dig into the meat of God’s Word and review the 5 times that diets have been set and changed by God.

Cannibalism Pet Doctrines

We have heard of the infamous cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer, the serial killer who ate his victims, and many other such horrendous and disgusting stories of cannibalism. The rest of the Bible is no different in the accounts provided. This is what we will be talking about today- Cannibalism from a Biblical point of view. So, hold onto your taste buds, and wet your appetites for the meat of the Word of God. I promise we will season it with salt.  

Food and Idols Pet Doctrines

Paul & Jesus’ statements concerning food sacrificed to Idols has been no small debate, and has created a great controversy within the church. Even to the point of people saying that everything written by Paul should be thrown away. They like to cite the supposed contradiction between His and Jesus’ statements. But under a closer look and when read in context, we will find no controversy concerning food sacrificed to idols, and if Christians should eat such food produced by pagan religious practices.

What happens when you die,

The “Soul Sleep” Of The Dead is often overlooked by modern Christianity. Many, in an attempt to comfort their own souls, reference their loved ones as now being in Heaven. That they are mingling with their dead relatives in a celestial reunion. This is understandable, as these types of losses can be hard to handle. Yet, we will find that these concepts are not presented in scripture- neither by Jesus, the disciples, nor the patriarchs of old. What we find is that the dead enter into sleep, resting their souls until the resurrection. This doctrine is so complete in scripture, that it is irrefutable and rock solid. We will cover what the Bible clearly declares and prove these facts. The dead are not in Heaven- they are asleep.

We are led to believe that God burns people in Hell forever. Yet, this is not true. People do not burn in Hell forever. Nor will they find eternal life, burning in eternal hellfire. God is not that cruel, nor would it serve any purpose in the New Heaven and New Earth to continue to BBQ sinners. So, with taking less time to snuff out all traces of sin from existence, let’s prove the truth that people do not burn in Hell forever.

rope breaking

In this study, we will take a look at salvation and see if the saying is true: “Once Saved, Always Saved.” I will present why this is in fact a lie of the devil to disarm the body of Christ into complacency. Satan wants to destroy any urgency to flee Babylon. And also destroy the urgency to tell others. So, while salvation is a free gift from God, it is what we do after we have received salvation that will determine our true eternal salvation status.

The first step to unravel this ball of yarn is to look at what the word “Judge” actually means. Most take it to mean to make a determination of wrong or right, good and evil, concerning another’s actions. Yet, we find it is not a determination of wrong and right, yet more like a condemning of an individual’s soul. We can look at a murderer and determine that is wrong, and let them know they are a murderer. But we are not God and cannot tell them that they can never receive salvation after the murder.

Christians The Chosen People Of God

Christians The Chosen People Of God. “There is one body and one Spirit. In the same way you were called to share one hope. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over everything, through everything, and in everything. God’s favor has been given to each of us. It was measured out to us by Christ who gave it.”  (Ephesians 4:4-7)

The whole entire subject is a family affair: we all came from Adam and Eve, then from Noah and his sons- Shem, Ham, and Japheth. We are all related. The issue of liking or disliking one people group vs. another is nothing more than brothers fighting. To dislike one group is to dislike your own relatives.  Eve is the mother of all living. We are all related. There is no such thing as “races” of people. There is nothing more than ethnic groups based upon a common family tree and geographic location. So, how then can one be superior over another, based upon nothing more than their bloodline? We all spring from the same root. We all started from the same bloodline. The origin of all mankind is from a single family: Adam and Eve, then Noah and his wife. Now, at the end of time, we come together under one more man- Jesus. For now there is neither Jew nor Gentile, we are one new man.  Therefore, now at the end of time, the discussion is not one of excluding all people groups for the sake of the one. No. It is now the inclusion of all people groups under Messiah. Whoever believes in Jesus are the chosen of God, because He is the chosen one! All previous claims to being the children of God are made forfeit and are without standing before the courts of Heaven.

Mark Of The Beast

In our journey to understanding “The Mark of the Beast”, we must first start with the Sabbath. This sign of God’s authority that stems from the days of creation. The Sabbath will always be a celebration of God’s creation and His unmatched power. This is why the devil has switched the day of worship from Saturday to SUNday. This is also why the key religious component of the Mark of the Beast will be the Sabbath. Various means of enacting the Mark of the Beast will be used, yet the Mark itself is a willingness to break the commandments of God. The “beast tech” will be used to track those who willingly break the commandments of God for the favor of man, and their overlords. It is interesting that the Fourth Commandment begins with “Remember”. Then why have so many forgotten?

So you think you are a Christian

Let’s jump right into the test of faith. The rules are simple and fast. You must reach a perfect score to be considered a Biblical Christian- a true follower of Jesus. If you come to a question that you do not get a perfect score on, have no fear. Pause, study, and learn. You can quickly align your beliefs with the corresponding verses presented. If you realign your beliefs with the Bible verses that are presented to you, then you still have a perfect score. Please continue on. There are Christians, true believers who have never heard the following information. But in a childlike faith, held onto what they have received. This is great; today you will grow in the faith and get a firm foundation. Again, just align yourselves and your beliefs with what the Bible says and you will retain your perfect score. It takes a 100% perfect score to retain the High calling and Title of “Christian”.

  • IS Peter Really the rock The Church IS Built Upon? Lets Find out!

Matthew 16:15-19 “He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”  (16)  Simon Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”  (17)  Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven.  (18)  I also tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.  (19)  I will give to you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will have been bound in heaven; and whatever you release on earth will have been released in heaven.” 

So, before we move onto what Paul wrote on the subject, let’s look into the life and calling of Paul and his qualifications as it were. Then we will dive into the supposed contradiction and controversy.


So for the Jewish people today to think they can make a 3rd Temple that God will honor is a laughable and sad joke. They have been blinded by tradition and pride. They still stand in open rebellion against Christ Jesus along with those “Christians” who support them in this fatal endeavor. So, let us start our study to prove that God hated Animal Sacrifices in the first place and never wanted them.

In this study, we will not only prove that the “Cross” is Pagan Idolatry, but that God strictly forbids it and never asked for it. It is also a trick of the Devil to get the Body of Christ to forsake their privilege and blessing of being the Image of God, Jesus, and His sacrifice. To willingly give this high status over to a piece of dried, dead wood- a simple alignment of shapes that is rooted in the worship of pagan gods of fertility and agriculture.

Group Of Dragons