All About God
“I will give them a heart to know me, that I am Yahweh. They will be my people, and I will be their God; for they will return to me with their whole heart.” Jeremiah 24:7
We will cover many things about God in these studies. Yet, to truly know God, it takes experience and time. What this study sets out to do is to frame the Character and Personality of God. This way, you can better approach a relationship with God based upon the knowledge of who He is and how He desires to be understood. Much like when you introduce someone to a friend of yours. You would say something like “they are really easy going and funny.” Then, you would have a better idea of what to expect. And when things seem to unfold in a way you weren’t expecting, you could go back to information previously given to interpret reality. Like, in our example of our fake friend being funny. If that person said something and you didn’t know how you should take it, you could think back and say, “Oh yeah, they said that this person was funny.” Then you can interpret the interaction based upon the information given about their character. This is what I want to do in the next couple of studies. To truly know God, it will take time and experience. To know what kind of God you are having a relationship with, it takes the following information.
To truly know God, it will take time and experience. To know what kind of God you are having a relationship with, it takes the information we just covered. I pray that if you do not have a relationship with the One True God, the God of the Bible, and the Father of Jesus, that the facts we just covered will inspire you and ignite a fire in your heart to know our amazing Father God. If you already are a believer, yet don’t feel close to God and don’t have the relationship you wish you had, then I hope this information will reset your mind and heart on Who you are having a relationship with. Go back over the information and study the facts. God is not unwilling, cold, and shut off from His children. He is ready and waiting for us to reach out with an informed understanding of who He is and what He wants. Start today, and share your days with your Father God.