The Sharing Jesus Collection
The Sharing Jesus Collection
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The Sharing Jesus Collection
Ignite Your Heart For God: (Luke 16:10) “He who is faithful in a very little is faithful also in much. He who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much.” We have been given the words of life. God has allowed us to understand His will and how to be pleasing in His sight. Moreover, He has required that we spread this message with a righteous and holy life. If He finds us with our flame in our heart unlit, unwilling to be faithful with what has to be shared, He will surely not allow us to share in His kingdom. (Luke 16:12) “And if you haven’t been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you your own?” We all must ignite our hearts for God and burn bright.
The Sharing Jesus Collection
I hope as we read these great testimonies, you will be inspired to know that regular people just like you have been friends with God- approved and accepted. It is possible through faith in Jesus and empowered by the Holy Spirit, to have a deep, meaningful friendship with God. Most importantly, He wants to have this relationship with you. Then you will be empowered and inspired to share this loving friendship with the world.
The Sharing Jesus Collection
Accepting Jesus and making a confession of faith is the starting line- not the finish line. The “finish line tall tale”, told by the silver-tongue devil, is meant to disarm the Christian. Much like being hired onto a company, the job has just begun. Salvation is a free gift from God; you don’t deserve it to have your application be accepted. You had no qualifications to be a part of the family of God. Yet, be prepared for on the job training. He is not finished with you yet as you have an enduring calling upon your life. The confession of Jesus is a lifelong Confession: confessed once to accept salvation, perpetually confessed to help others do the same. Failure on either part is a failure upon your calling and will put your salvation in deep jeopardy.
The Sharing Jesus Collection
Sharing Jesus -“Our Commission & Mission, Gives Us Permission”-
Sharing Jesus: We have been called by God and our Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of all people. This is a command from Jesus, it is not a suggestion! So, as it has been said before, “there are only two types of Christians in the world: Missionaries or imposters.” While the mission field will change, the calling never does. In many forms and ways we are all given a mission field. We are all gifted in various ways, yet these gifts are given to support and facilitate the spreading of the Good News about Jesus. This will be our focus in this two-part Bible study.
The Sharing Jesus Collection
Sharing Jesus, Concepts & Understanding For Successful Witnessing-
Sharing Jesus: Often when people start witnessing, they hope that everyone they talk to will receive Jesus and become saved immediately. If this doesn’t happen, people can become discouraged. With a little more information from scripture, we find that some Sow and some Reap. Another concern is the purity of conversion if they do decide to accept. It can be discouraging if you see someone say “yes” to Jesus, say a prayer, and then nothing seems to happen after that. We find in scripture that seed falls on all types of ground to varying affects of growth and longevity. The final one is when someone says “no”. If you get too many of these in a row, it can be hard to overcome. Again, scripture addresses this also. Sometimes they might say “yes” later, when they are not with you. So, we are going to point out some scriptures that will help us not get discouraged and keep the faith, regardless of the outcome of the witnessing trip. They will help us have faith in God and Jesus and remind us that it is the Holy Spirit that does the work of converting; we are just the messenger, inviter, and seed planter. And in that, you will have 100% success if you just work for the Lord.
The Sharing Jesus Collection
One of the first things God taught me when I started full time ministry is that He does not need a (P.R.) Public Relations spokesman, meaning that, I don’t need to constantly try to always put everything in the best, most acceptable, light possible. Nor do I need to constantly try to shade and pervert the word of God to make it more digestible to the lactose intolerant masses. All I have to do is say what God tells me to say, and let the words of God rest upon their own authority. The wisdom of this is that if you are continually trying to water down the truth to make it easier for people to accept, you have actually sold them on a false Gospel filled with half-truths. But the world has convinced many that a Christian is always perceived as sweet and quiet as a church mouse. They never offend and never make people feel uncomfortable. They are to always know their place and never bring their faith into the public square. They should keep it at home and within the church. The greatest error Christians have been led to believe is that they must be invited to present the truth, and need permission to have a chair at the table of life. If you’re a “good little Christian”, you can be allowed to be around the “cool kids!” We have been taught to forsake our saltiness and put out our lights. BUT NO MORE, BROTHERS AND SISTERS! This is not God’s way and we have not been told to hold our tongue. We must be motivated by the love of God, and speak the hard truths in love to a dying world. There are time and seasons for all things. Sometimes being patient and enduring is the best path. But we should never perceive it as the only path. As we studied in our “Baby Jesus Syndrome” Bible Study, Jesus was no easy going preacher, nor was Paul, or Peter, etc. There is a time to be loud with boldness and a direct delivery of the truth. That is what this Bible study is about today. Being willing to be Bold As Lions, not victim-riddled sheep too scared of the world to speak the truth in love. So, do you fear God or Man? Your words will reveal the truth.
The Sharing Jesus Collection
We can look at the above Bible verse and, normally, we just apply it to ourselves. Yet, this would be a mistake. Today is also the day of Salvation for millions of others around us. Biblical Christianity is outward focused, love-driven action- being led by the Holy Spirit in obedience to God. Yet, we can fail to harness the opportunities God provides for us, by failing to strike while the iron is hot. Most appear to have an attitude of “Well, I’ll get another chance later.” This is also not true. We get invited by God at certain times to perform certain works, and if we don’t take advantage of the opportunity, there is no promise of another opportunity. And, in all likelihood, God might find us an unfaithful servant and move onto someone else to get the job done. Or, something worse could happen and the work might not get done at all. We will go over missed opportunities in the Bible and study what happened, and what was lost for the failure to respond on time in obedience.
The Sharing Jesus Collection
Counting The Cost Of Being A Christian: The modern portrayal of the Gospel in western Christianity is a betrayal to the true Gospel call. In the west, Jesus and God are presented as the great “Santa Clause in the sky” that are here to grant wishes and dreams- ever ready to bless all who call upon His magical powers of instant happiness and never requiring more than a whispered call for more. Always waiting for the dinner bell to ring and ready to show up in style and grant wishes as the “gospel genie”. Yet, this demonic lie is not found in the scriptures. We find that while salvation is free, it will cost us everything. As we turn to Jesus to gain the next life, we must forfeit this life entirely. So, will the REAL Jesus please tell us what He requires of us all?!
The Sharing Jesus Collection
There is a saying that the U.S. Marines are fond of saying. While crude, there is great depth to the implied meaning. “Embrace The Suck!” And I’ve heard another one which is, “The only good day was yesterday.” While to the laymen these might seem like depressing and defeated sayings. But to the solider, it steadies the mind to not expect the easy path. To come to terms that the road ahead is meant to be hard. And that it doesn’t matter. As they have been trained and conditioned for this. The hard path is the forge of the heart of a soldier. A real warrior is always looking for a worthy battle. A true soldier is only happy fulfilling his calling of the battle.
We find that Paul was fond of using the label “soldier” to describe those who serve the Lord. Being surrounded by the Roman war culture, and the legions of warriors, the people understood his intention of using this term. Let’s take a look at a couple of these examples The problem we have here at the end of time is many of the body are “awol” (being absent without given leave) when they are called to service. They desert their post as soon as things get rough. Once the spiritual bullets start flying, they develop a giant yellow streak down their back. Their desire for self preservation makes them
The Sharing Jesus Collection
“Judge Not Lest You Be Judged?” Interpretation Vs Application. Often when sharing the gospel you can be accused of judging others. This is an attempt to disarm you from the work of Christ. So equip yourself with the proper understanding of what Jesus really meant
The Sharing Jesus Collection
Visionary Zeal: Zealously Serving God is mandated in the Bible, yet it is not always easy. Even more than that, it can lead to Righteous Anger. We must remember that anything that disrupts the norm and tries to reset life to the righteous path of God’s will, is often met with resistance and defamation against the deliverer of the messenger. We must forsake all and deliver the words of God. Seek first the kingdom of God and make Him happy above all else. We must burn with an unquenchable fire for God’s glory.
The Sharing Jesus Collection
The Sharing Jesus Collection

The Sharing Jesus Collection