The Pope Is The AntiChrist! Pope Francis Declares that Jesus was a ‘Great Transgressor’ According to Pope Francis, the Cross of Christ is “God’s Great Failure” Pope Francis Compares Pedophile Bishops To Jesus on the Cross Pope hangs image of nude Jesus caressing Judas behind his desk. Pope Francis at the World Day of Human Fraternity: “We are Either Friends or We are Enemies” The Papacy’s Claim of Spiritual Supremacy is Complete when Adventists, Evangelicals and Orthodox Submit to Its Authority Jesuit Priest Invokes Pope Francis During Presidential Inauguration as Joe Biden is Sworn into office on a Jesuit Bible Pope Francis Announces the Launch of Mission 4.7 and the Global Compact on Education The United Nations Praises Pope Francis for Endorsing the Homosexual Agenda Wondering After the Beast: Pope Signs Peace Pledge with the Major World Religions The Vatican Praises Its Interconnection with Buddhists as a ‘Source of Blessing for the Planet’ Over 650+ Catholic Organizations World-wide are Working to Implement the Pope’s Green Sunday Law Pope Francis in Morocco: Converting People is not our Mission, but Inter-religious Dialog Is Pope Francis: God Wants the Plurality of Religions The Masonic Order Praises Pope Francis’ Encyclical on Universal Brotherhood and Calls it the ‘Great Principle of Freemasonry’ Pope Francis Pushes Pantheism, Ecumenism and Government Action on World Day of Prayer for the Creation Amazon Spiritists, Hindus, Muslims, Seventh-day Adventists, Roman Catholics, Evangelicals, Mormons and Jews Answer the Pope’s Call to Unite Deadly Embrace: Nearly All of Christianity is now in Agreement says Top Vatican Official Pope Francis’ Pantheistic Exhortation: “Jesus is in the River, the Trees, the Fish and the Wind” Pope Francis Boldly Promotes His One-World Religion Pope Francis hosts paganism at the Vatican and defends their tradition Pope Describes Mary as the World’s Biggest Influence Pope Francis: Muslims Murdering Christians is a Testament to ‘Peaceful Coexistence’ Adventists, Jesuits and Evangelicals work Towards a “Peaceful Co-existence Between Religions” Pope Francis Crowns an Image of Mary and Burns Incense to Her Pope Francis elevates Islam to the same level of Christianity Pope Francis says he would baptize “Aliens:: ‘Who are we to close doors?’ Unbelievable! Pope Francis Compares Jesus’ Disciples to ISIS Killers Pope Francis: Lucifer is god of the Catholic Church The Pope Claims to be God on Earth Pope Francis: God’s Wrath will Bring Another World-wide Flood if we don’t Solve the Climate Crisis The Pope’s Indictment against Global Warming Deniers Protestants Met With Pope To Receive The Spirit Home Free Book Back To Sabbath And Mark Of The Beast Study