Mind Games
Mind Games
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Unlocking The God Given Power Of Self Control:
No longer will we be victims of self destructive behavior.
Mind Games
Rebellion: In its purest expression- it is a complete failure to imitate the character of God.
Rebellion: The Illusion Of Choice. Rebellion in its purest expression is a complete failure to imitate the character of God. Satan pretends to offer a better option. Yet, all the serpent offers is death. Lucifer parades around like an “Angel of Light.” When in reality, he is a demonic angel of death, cheating God’s people out of their authority and inherence in Christ Jesus.
Mind Games
Let Your Heart Not Be Troubled: When claiming “Biblical Promises”, those claiming the promise often lose the plot- much like reading the headline of a news article, while completely skipping the story. It is in the context of the promise where you find the “Blessing.” Without the context of the promise those who claim it, claim it in vain. This is why often the promise is never activated in their lives. You will find that God will bring the offering of the blessing much like this: “If you will do this, I will do that!” It is a contract or agreement between two parties. Unfortunately, modern Christianity wants God to be on the hook, while never holding up their end of the contract. So, with this in mind, let us find some wonderful promises and blessings we can claim, and how to effectively claim them. Note: After 9-11, in congress they recited Isaiah 9:10, saying it was a verse of hope for our country. It reads: “The bricks have fallen, but we will build with cut stone. The sycamore fig trees have been cut down, but we will put cedars in their place.”In reality, this is a quote of rebellion against God and spoke judgment over the nation. Isaiah 9:11 reads, “Therefore Yahweh will set up on high against him the adversaries of Rezin, and will stir up his enemies,”
Mind Games
Joy Thief: Today we will be talking about complaining, grumbling, and murmuring. Along with the different ways this is done through dissatisfaction and the constant need for more. Complaining can be done with words or with actions. It can also be done through the thoughts and emotions of the heart that can be idolized and kept as pets. This is one of the most deceptive and sneaky ways Satan, the true thief, will manipulate and destroy the blessings of God in the believer’s life. Discontentment and lust for more is the complaining of our soul before God. Even lying is a complaint against the truth, declaring through lies that the truth is not good enough to stand upon. So, we will tackle the issue of the heart and mouth and destroy the works if the devil.
Mind Games
Unlocking The Power Of Self Control: Today we will tackle “Self Control.” Why it is important, and how it relates to our walk with God. We will show that without it, it’s impossible to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit or love God and man. This deadly poison of giving into our own way of doing things is the enemy of the Holy Spirit of God. Our hearts war against God to exert the deadly influence of our fleshly desires. We have to stab, kill, and bury 6 feet deep the excuses of: “That’s how I am”. “That’s not what I like”. “That’s not how I do things”. “Why do I have to?” “I don’t want to”. “This is what I like”. “This is what I want”. etc. etc. etc. That wretched old man of self must be destroyed in the brightness of God’s Power & Love, manifesting in obedience to His will.
Mind Games
As we are escaping Babylon, it is an effective trick of the devil to get us focused on our condition. He does this because he knows that if we focus on our position in Christ, he will lose control over us. It will be worthwhile to accurately discuss the difference. As we become more informed on the difference between the two, my hope is that we can be on guard and spot this type of attack from Satan. When our minds drift to the struggles of the flesh, may we then focus on who we are in Christ Jesus and tell that silver-tongued serpent the truth.
Mind Games
Many Christians walk around unaware of the hidden danger. They never realize that there is an unseen realm cloaked in secrecy, and shielded in misinformation. The Spiritual realm is very real, active, and present. Even if the believer walks around oblivious to the battle ground they find themselves in. As we are leaving Babylon, we must guard ourselves from these spiritual attacks and not allow ourselves or our brothers and sisters in Christ to be slowed down in their exodus from Babylon.
Mind Games
What an interesting and contrary thing we call a mouth. The great rudder of men’s souls and snitch of the heart. It can express deep love for man and God, and utterly destroy those made in His image. It can tell the truth or pervert it into deep lies. So in this discussion, we will briefly go over some of what the Bible has to say, and then have an open discussion on the topic. Hopefully we will equip ourselves along the way to tame this wild, unyielding beast.
Mind Games
Flee, Run, Escape, Hide, Evade The Danger. But wait a minute, what about “XYZ”? Do I need to do it right now? Is that what He really means? But, my family thinks I’m nuts. I’m sure it’s not that urgent. I will do it tomorrow. I have plans I need to complete. I’m sure God will understand, He is forgiving. Great is His mercy and grace. I’m just human, what can He really expect from a sinner like me? It just too much pressure. He knows I love Him. All He really wants is for me to trust Him and rest in His love. Why are people making a big deal about all this anyway? I really don’t feel any conviction on it, so God must not be telling me to do it. It’s okay for them, but it’s not really my thing. Why don’t I feel close to God anymore? He doesn’t seem to answer my prayers. It must be the lies telling me to earn my salvation by fleeing and hiding from the evil of this world. I’ll repent of trying to earn God’s love and believing in that stuff at all. “I’m sorry, Lord. I got confused about what You really wanted. I won’t try to work my way to You or prove my love to You. You just want me to rest in You; I know this is what You really want for me. Jesus already did it all. What else can I possible do? I will just go about life and wait for You to return and take me home, right God? …..God, are you there?”
Mind Games

Thanksgiving: It is my favorite holiday of the entire year. This week for Bible Study, we will be giving thanks to our wonderful Father God and Savior Jesus. So, without much fanfare, here are some Bible verses about being thankful and giving God “Thanks”-giving. I have also formatted a quick questionnaire to help us think of the wonders God has done on our behalf this year. We will go over them during the Bible Study. Then, we will end with key concepts to keep our hearts right!
Mind Games
Doubt and worry are acts of worship to our fears. It reveals a lack of trust and confidence in God and Jesus. When we give in to our worries and let them consume our hearts and minds, while destroying our peace given to us by God. We have told God that His love and power is insufficient for our needs and desires. This turns into fear that actively slaughters our joy and peace in a massacre of demonic activity. Satan loves this so much, as he knows it draws us away from God and Jesus- the source of our hope and sufficiency. In this study we will disarm the power worry has over our hearts and minds.