Christian Persecution The Series: Its Time To Prepare.
The majority of western Christianity is unprepared for what’s coming. The wave of Christian persecution that will be released around the world will shock and stun the Body of Christ. The wise and faithful will prepare their hearts and minds and steady their spirit. Christian persecution will go mainstream and will be boldly enacted upon all those who love Jesus. With this series, you can prepare your hearts and minds. Equip yourself and family to weather the storm ahead. Do not let Christian persecution spring upon you unaware. Do not be caught unaware, unprepared, naked, and afraid. Please, I implore you to download the podcast or watch the video and share with everyone you know. Together we can call to alertness the sleeping bride.
Jesus has warned us!
John 15:20 “Remember the word that I said to you, The servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they have kept My saying, they will also keep yours.”
John 16:33 “I have spoken these things to you so that you might have peace in Me. In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.”
2 Timothy 3:12 “ Yea, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 1
Prepare For Persecution: “It’s Coming!”
Christian Persecution is coming very soon. In many ways, persecution is already here. The closer we get to the End Times, the persecution will only increase. Are you prepared for what is coming? Start today and strengthen your faith, and “Prepare For Persecution!” Time is short… #Podcast #Persecution #ChristainPodcast #BrotherLance
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 2
Endure & Survive During Persecution
When persecution arises it will take endurance and resolve to survive. While persecution can come in many forms, the ability to stand for Jesus is critical. When the flames of hell and Christian persecution rise up against you for your love of God, will you stand strong for the Truth? Have you prepared your hearts for what is coming our way? We will be covering all these topics in Episode 2 of “The Christians Soul Prepper Podcast.” #Podcast #Persecution #ChristainPodcast #brotherlance
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 3
Rejoice & Thrive During Persecution: “When Should You Flee?”
Jesus tells us to flee from persecution. “Live to fight another day” is the guideline for all believers. Yet, many mistakenly submit to a premature affliction. Some must pay the price, but if it can be avoided, it should be as long as we are in God’s will. Being led by the Spirit is the key to knowing the difference. (Psalms 118:17) “I will not die, but live, and declare the works of YHWH.” #Podcast #Persecution #ChristainPodcast #BrotherLance
Two quotation mistakes: In the YouTube Version @ 7:31 The verses quoted are Acts 5:40-41 not Acts 5:4-41. @18:30 The verse quoted is Proverbs 22:3 not Proverbs 23:3.
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 4
When The Goats Kill The Sheep: Christians Will Persecute Christians!
The zenith of Christian persecution is when Christians persecute other Christians at the end of time. When the goats start killing the sheep, just know that Jesus warned you this would happened. Many false believers have infested the Body of Christ, stealing the birthright of the true believers. When push comes to shove, they will be willing to kill for it. Be of good courage! Jesus foretold this and tells us how to endure. “From the days of John the Baptizer until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.”
(Matthew 11:12) #Persecution #ChristainPodcast #BrotherLance
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 5
When JESUS Attacks: Righteous Furry & Eternal Hellfire With Damnation!
Jesus will reap vengeance and eternal destruction against all Godless sinners. When Jesus attacks, there will be literal “Hell” to pay. Who will be able to stand in the great terrible day of the Lord? You have rejected His salvation and you have persecuted God’s children, so then you will pay with your very soul. Repent today or receive the eternal consequences of your stubborn rebellion.
Children of God- Be of good courage! Your Father and Lord fight on your behalves. They will settle the score, and you will come out as the victors in the end! Stand up and raise your voice in a hallelujah Chorus! Praise God and Praise Jesus- we have won!
(2 Thessalonians 1:5-10) “This is an obvious sign of the righteous judgment of God, to the end that you may be counted worthy of God’s Kingdom, for which you also suffer. Since it is a righteous thing with God to repay affliction to those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted with us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels in flaming fire, punishing those who don’t know God, and to those who don’t obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus, who will pay the penalty: eternal destruction from the face of the Lord and from the glory of his might, when he comes in that day to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired among all those who have believed, because our testimony to you was believed.”
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 6
Judgment Has Begun At The House OF God: Will You Survive?
The great shaking has started, the trial by fire is commencing, and judgment has begun at the House of God! Who will be able to stand before a Righteous and Holy God? The proud and arrogant will be debased and humbled, the meek and lowly will be exalted. With blinding speed the first will be last and the last will become first. God doesn’t measure by human standards; He sees the inward motives and desires of the heart. All fakers and liars claiming to be Christians will be exposed. All true believers will have their works tested and tried by the Holy Righteousness of God. Who will survive the great time of testing, and who will stand when it’s all said and done? We reveal who these people are and how to be one of them! #Judgment #ChristainPodcast #BrotherLance #Endtimes # Repentance #Prophecy
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 7
God of Persecution: Its Purifying Work
It would shock most Christians to know that they can be handed over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh to save their soul. It would shock most Christians to know that God gives power to Satan and his followers to create suffering for the children of God. Many believers don’t understand that God allows this to happened to create a righteous and Holy Body and for the perfection of the Church. The majority of Christians do not realize that to become a Christian, they must carry the cross of Jesus. Yet, there is hope that Jesus provides an escape hatch for the few that find it. Will you be one of them? #Persecution #Endtimes #Suffering #Prophecy #Jesus
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 8
There Is Hope: Act Now!
Do not despair, there is always Hope and Joy unspeakable. The peace that passes all understanding is given to us by our Heavenly Father, to steady our hearts and empower us onward. As we look forward to the final outcome and our Lord’s soon return, we can be encouraged by a Bible full of examples declaring that “what you do matters” and affects the outcome of your life. You have a God-given choice to make today. Today is the day of salvation; seek the Lord while He may be found. Turn your hearts to the things that please God and reap the everlasting reward. #Hope #Safety #Jesus # Prophecy
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 9
Jesus: Betrayed, Crushed, Denied, Mocked, Forsaken!
The horrific suffering of Jesus Christ needs to be fully understood. Having created the entire universe, He willingly subjected Himself to lack, suffering, and persecution, often receiving pain for the love he showed to humanity. Being a man acquainted with many sorrows, Jesus remained faithful and obedient. Learning perfection through His suffering, He became the perfect sinless sacrifice. Leaving us an example of faithfulness through pain, discouragement, and many heartaches. In this episode, we will cover the many sacrifices made by our Lord and Savior. #SonofGod #LambofGod #Jesus #Christ #Salvation
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 10
Jesus: Drink His Cup Part 1
The horrific suffering of Jesus Christ needs to be fully understood. Having created the entire universe, He willingly subjected Himself to lack, suffering, and persecution, often receiving pain for the love he showed to humanity. Being a man acquainted with many sorrows, Jesus remained faithful and obedient. Learning perfection through His suffering, He became the perfect sinless sacrifice. Leaving us an example of faithfulness through pain, discouragement, and many heartaches. In this episode, we will cover the many sacrifices made by our Lord and Savior. #SonofGod #LambofGod #Jesus #Christ #Salvation
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 11
Jesus: Drink His Cup Part 2
In this episode, we will cover how Jesus had to drink of the “Cup of Suffering” and the “Cup of Sinners.” Now, we get to choose which cup we will drink from. We cannot escape drinking from at least one of them. The good news is that we get to choose. One comes with great rewards, salvation, and blessing for all eternity. The other comes with the fires of Hell and the punishment of a righteous God! Choose wisely! #SonofGod #LambofGod #Jesus #Christ #Salvation
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 12
Carry His Cross: The Dress Rehearsal Revealed!
Did you know that Baptism is a dress rehearsal? To not only learn to carry your Cross for Jesus, but also to learn to die to yourself and follow Him? We will cover the threefold revelation of Baptism and explore the temptations of Jesus. For Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, we must do as He does, live as He lived, and die as He died! Don’t hesitate, download this podcast and be blessed! #SonofGod #LambofGod #Jesus #Christ #Salvation
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 13
Carry His Cross: Persecution Perspective
The Persecution Perspective: Everything of value requires hard work, commitment, and determination. Our walk with God requires the same. As the saying goes, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” We will look into Peter, Paul, and Jesus’ persecution perspective. In doing so, I believe we will find that “It’s all worth it!”
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 14
Carry His Cross: Carry For His Glory
Jesus encourages us with this understanding: we must separate the temporary and the eternal. We are not guaranteed that we will never suffer, but we are guaranteed He will always be with us. He will repay us for it, and our faithfulness will bring God glory when it happens. Be encouraged, family! The universe and all that there is, belongs to you. Do not forfeit it by giving up your faith and the promise through denying Jesus.
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 15
The Preppers Bible
The Preppers Bible: “TEOTWAWKI” is coming and you will be “YOYO” soon enough. What does the Bible say about preparedness? Is it even Biblical? Or is it a lack of faith to do so? Let’s take a look! The Bible declares about prepping- “But if someone does not provide for his own, especially his own family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (1 Timothy 5:8) The masses want to make you feel like a survivalist nut for doing what is natural. Everyone who loves their family wants to survive! I have good news- God wants you to survive also. Here’s the proof! #Prepping #Preppers #Survival #Survivalist #YOYO #Teotwawki #Preparedness #Persecution
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 16
Let Your Heart Not Be Troubled
Learn how to effectively claim Bible Promises. Understand how to activate the power of claiming the word of God in your life. Many try to claim Bible Promises in error, not fully understanding the context the promises are given in. No longer will you have to wonder how to claim these promises. We are heading to a time of persecution in the world. Do not confront these challenges spiritually empty-handed. Powerfully claim the power of God in your life today. #Persecution #Faith #Jesus
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 17
Belief With Suffering
Philippians 1:27-30 “Only let your way of life be worthy of the Good News of Christ, that, whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your state, that you stand firm in one spirit, with one soul striving for the faith of the Good News; (28) and in nothing frightened by the adversaries, which is for them a proof of destruction, but to you of salvation, and that from God. (29) Because it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in him, but also to suffer on his behalf, (30) having the same conflict which you saw in me, and now hear is in me.”
Christian Persecution Series – Episode 18
Persecuted Serving God
Persecution, Tribulation, Sacrifice: The intimate friends of the righteous. Sometimes though, we can forget this call of our Lord. Or, we are stepping into new levels of obedience and it starts to cost something. Either way, it is time for a refresher. So rejoice and don’t think it’s a strange thing when the World tries to “Control-Alt-Delete” you from the world. Jesus has declared this will happen. Rest assured that it will be worth it.